Things to Know Before Adopting a Cat

At Pet Paradise, we believe that adopting a cat is a great decision that brings joy, companionship, and love into your life. However, we also know it can be a daunting and overwhelming experience, especially for first-time cat owners. I’ve compiled this comprehensive guide on the nine essential things you must know before adopting a cat.
Hello, my name is Aly; I’m the founder and leading author of Pet Paradise. Today we will discuss things to know before adopting a cat. So let’s start this purr-fact guide. 🙂

Think Twice Before Adopting a Cat

Adopting a cat is a significant commitment; before you decide to adopt, it’s essential to consider several factors. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know before adopting a cat, from the cost to the right way to prepare your home to choose the right cat for you.

How Much Does it Cost to Adopt a Cat?

While the cost to adopt a cat can vary widely, prospective cat owners should expect to spend at least $1,000 per year on vet care, food, treats, toys, kitty litter, and other expenses throughout a cat’s 15- to 20-year lifespan. Adoption fees can range from free to several hundred dollars, depending on the organization you adopt from. Animal shelters and rescues typically have lower adoption fees, which may include spay or neuter surgery, vaccinations, and microchipping. Private breeders or pet stores may charge higher prices but not include these additional services.

Why Adopt From Shelter

Contrary to popular belief, shelter animals typically do not have significant physical or social issues. Animals can end up in shelters when their owners move, lose their job, or cannot care for them. Therefore, adopting a cat from a shelter can save its life, and you will provide a loving home for a cat in need.

Assessing Shelters in Person

Assessing shelters in person is crucial before deciding on adoption. You should inspect the shelter thoroughly and ask questions if you see any animals that do not appear healthy. You should also talk to shelter employees to understand what they know about the animal’s health and behavior. Shelters that do not conduct behavior assessments or disease testing cannot provide the appropriate information to make a successful match between you and your prospective pet.

Make a Checklist Before You Go In

Before going to the shelter, ensure you have a checklist of what you’re looking for in a cat. Are you away from home a lot? Do you have little children or other pets? These things should not stop you from adopting a cat, but they will help you set boundaries about the character and type of cat that would be ideal for your family.

Preparing Your Home

Before bringing your new cat home, you should ensure that your home is safe and cat-friendly. This includes providing them with a cozy bed, litter box, scratching post, and toys.

Commitment to Time and Responsibility

Adopting a cat is a lifetime commitment. You must provide a safe and comfortable home, healthy food and water, and proper veterinary care for your cat. You must also commit time and energy to play and interact with your cat since they thrive on attention and love.

Choosing the Right Cat

Before adopting a cat, consider your lifestyle, personality, and living situation. Do you want an active cat or a more laid-back one? Are you looking for a kitten or an adult cat? Do you have any other pets in the house? These are all essential factors to consider when choosing the right cat for you.

Providing Proper Nutrition

Feeding your cat a healthy and balanced diet is crucial for their health and well-being. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the best food options for your cat based on age, weight, and health concerns.

Understanding Behavioral Issues of Cat

Cats can exhibit various behavioral issues, such as scratching furniture or not using the litter box. Understanding why these behaviors occur and how to address them is essential for maintaining a happy and healthy cat.

Pick a Vet For Your Cat

Are you thinking of adopting a furry friend? Before you bring your new cat home, finding the right veterinarian is essential. Here are some tips for choosing the best vet for your feline companion.

Getting Referrals and Checking Credentials

The first step is to get referrals from people you trust. Your friends, family, and neighbors who are pet owners are excellent sources of information. You can also ask the animal shelter or rescue organization staff where you’re adopting your cat for recommendations. Once you have a list of potential vets, check their credentials. Look for a veterinarian who is licensed, experienced, and has a good reputation in the community.

Arranging a General Examination

The American Humane Society recommends arranging a general examination with your vet within the first few days of adoption. This initial check-up is essential for ensuring your cat’s overall health and identifying potential health issues early on. During this visit, your vet will examine your cat, take their medical history, and provide you with essential information on vaccinations, dental care, and preventative care.

Socialization and Training

Socializing your cat and providing proper training can help them feel more comfortable and confident in their surroundings. It’s essential to introduce them to other pets in the household gradually and teach them basic commands such as “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” Socialization and training also involve providing your cat with mental stimulation, such as toys and interactive playtime.

Grooming and Hygiene

Cats are naturally clean animals but still require regular grooming and hygiene care. Grooming includes brushing their fur, trimming their nails, and cleaning their ears and teeth. Proper hygiene also involves providing your cat with a clean litter box, fresh water, and a healthy diet.

Providing Love and Affection

Cats thrive on attention and love from their owners. You can build a strong bond with your new furry friend by providing them with affection, concentration, and playtime. Spend time cuddling with your cat, playing with toys, and engaging in interactive activities.

Think About Multiple Cats

If you’re considering adopting multiple cats, there’s a method to this madness. According to the American Humane Society, cats provide each other with workouts, mental stimulation, and social interaction that humans can’t precisely match. Having a feline friend can also be extra crucial to your cat if you’re working or away from home during the day.

Making a Comfortable Space for Your Cat

Cats are territorial animals, so entering a new space can be stressful. Before you bring your cat home, create a special place to help them feel comfortable. A quiet area with a litter box, toys, food, and water will help your cat become familiar with their surroundings.

Spending Time With Your Cat

Spending time with your cat is essential, but how you do it depends on their life stage. When you have kittens, handling them, cuddling them, and showing them your face is essential. Kittens need as much contact with humans as possible to help them develop social skills. Adult cats, on the other hand, need their space. If you adopt an adult cat, let them come to you when they want affection.

Having Patience with Your Cat

Be patient with your new pet as they adjust to its new surroundings. It takes time for cats to learn their new routine, such as finding the litter box and interacting with their family. Patience and understanding will help you build a strong relationship with your cat that will last a lifetime.

FAQs On Adopting a Cat

  • What is the best age to adopt a cat?
  • Kittens are adorable and highly sought after, but adopting an adult cat can also be a great choice. The ideal age to embrace a cat depends on your preferences and lifestyle. If you have children, you may prefer a kitten that can grow up with them. However, if you have a busy schedule, an adult cat already trained and calm may be a better fit for you.
  • How long does it take for a cat to adjust to a new owner?
  • Cats are highly adaptable animals, but adjusting to a new environment and owner can take some time. The adjustment period can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the individual cat’s personality and past experiences.
  • Are cats good to adopt?
  • Yes, cats make great pets! They are independent and low-maintenance compared to dogs but still provide companionship and affection to their owners. They can also positively impact mental health, reducing stress and anxiety.
  • How long can you leave a cat alone?
  • Cats are independent creatures and can generally be left alone for up to 24-48 hours with adequate food, water, and litter box access. However, it’s important to note that cats thrive on human interaction and shouldn’t be left alone for extended periods regularly.
  • Where should cats sleep at night?
  • Cats are known for their love of cozy spots and will often choose their sleeping place. However, it’s recommended that cats have a designated sleeping area with a comfortable bed, preferably away from any noisy areas.
  • Are single cats lonely?
  • Cats are social animals and can benefit from having feline companionship. However, some cats may prefer to be the only pet in the household and can still lead happy and fulfilling lives as a single cat.
  • Is it cruel to have one cat?
  • No, it is not cruel to have one cat. If the cat receives proper care, attention, and stimulation, it can lead a happy and healthy life as a single cat.
  • Do cats get periods?
  • Female cats experience a heat cycle, their reproductive cycle, but they do not menstruate as humans. They may exhibit increased vocalization and rub against objects during their heat cycle.
  • What annoys cats?
  • Cats have individual preferences and personalities, but everyday things that may annoy them include loud noises, being picked up or handled roughly, and touching their tail or paws.
  • Can cats cry?
  • Cats do not cry as humans do, but they can produce vocalizations that sound like crying, such as meowing, yowling, or whimpering. These sounds are usually used to communicate their needs or emotions.

I think I have covered everything about adopting a cat, but If I missed anything, just let me know in the comment box. Meanwhile, Mr. Sam wrote an article on the new puppy checklist. Please give your opinion on that article; we would love to read your comments.

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